
Dr. Vito Hemphill is a Chiropractor in Santa Fe, New Mexico with 37 years of experience in Chiropractic Medicine and Clinical Intuition. Clinical Intuition is a diagnostic tool to receive intuitive information which is a practical guide to assist you with healing emotional and mental patterns, clarity in decision making, the healing process -- be it for food, nutritional products, surgery, herbs, drugs or -- for yourself and others.
Dr. Vito Hemphill is known and appreciated by his patients for his myriad of skills in helping them achieve wellness.
Chiropractic Treatments are available at Vito's office in Santa Fe, NM. Please call (505) 982-6665 for appointments.
Book - Four Faces in the Mirror: Seeing All of Your Self

“Four Faces in the Mirror: Seeing All Of Your Self” by Dr. Vito Hemphill defines the four archetypes (positive masculine, negative masculine, positive feminine, and negative feminine) and teaches you how to see yourself from this perspective.
By understanding how these archetypes affect you and your world, you can learn to take practical steps to change that archetypal balance to improve your life. This book teaches self-awareness. There are practical exercises, concepts, and worksheets taught as a three month home program.
DVD - Four Faces in the Mirror: The Practical Exercises

This audio-visual tool is a great supplement to the book which carefully explains the theory behind these practical exercises. You can use this DVD and your computer to print out the twenty worksheets used with these practical exercises.
Contact Vito: (505) 982-6665 or vito@clinicalintuition.com
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